Summary Of Free Vacation House By Anzia Yezierska

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A View of Perspective: “Free Vacation House” by Anzia Yezierska How someone experiences a city is determined by many factors such as sex, race, religion, time period, ethnic group and whether they come from a working class background or a wealthy background. These things shape the way they view and experience the city. In Anzia Yezierska’s story “Free Vacation House” the main character whose name is not given is a wife and mother of polish decent living in tenement housing in the early 1900’s. She is a part of the lower income or working class from what we can determine. She resides in the Lower East Side of Manhattan which is very congested with many immigrants and small housing. In this story the main character is not given a name as if to make us feel as if she could be anyone or even us. Throughout this story you are made to see things from the mother’s (main character) perspective by the author not giving you a name as well as the way she inverts her sentences and uses Yiddish within the story …show more content…

The women are put on a very strict time schedule told only to stay in the back of the house and not to let their children run or play to loud. This schedule was determined by bells she states,” Bell one, was for getting up. Bell two, for getting babies’ bottles. Bell three, for coming to breakfast. Bell four, for bathing babies. If we come later, after the ring from the bell, then we’ll not get what we need.” “Everything in the front from the house must be kept perfect for the show for visitors” as if to keep up the appearance of the Social betterments Society’s Good work for the less fortunate lower class women. The house in the country is set up so that the wealthy women can come and applaud their charitable acts. The front is set up for the wealthy and the women from the charities are only allowed in designated areas on a strict schedule and no

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