Summary Of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None?

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Have you ever felt the sensation of curiosity, mystery, or confusion? Agatha Christie brings those emotions to life in her novels. Born on September 15, 1890 in South West England, Christie grew up with her American father homeschooling her. She absorbed children’s stories of her time which inspired her creativity. In “And Then There Were None,” ten strangers are invited to an island, all with a guilty secret to be revealed. As they start to be killed off one-by-one, they realize the killer is among them. Agatha Christie delivers a suspense-filled story with hints and unique patterns in dialogue.

“And Then There Were None” is a true page-turner, as hinted in the title. Christie delivers a sense of knowing and not knowing in her novel, showing that it truly fits in the thriller and suspense genre. She demonstrates this by giving us as little information as the characters have, keeping us on the edge of our seat. As the story continues, all you (and the characters) know is …show more content…

Christie supports a unique style in writing character conversations. Specifically, on page 24, the characters are speaking to each other. Christie writes this as “Fred Narracott said cheerfully… Vera Claythorne thought… Philip Lombard said sharply…” (24) During almost all conversations, the speaker is stated first, followed by a verb (usually “said”), sometimes followed with an adverb, then finally ended with a colon. After a while of reading, this kind of writings sticks out from the book. Usually, writers try to put some color into their lead-in to the quote. In this case, Christie doesn’t follow the traditional author’s style. Furthermore, there is another quirk in Christie’s dialogue-writing. Usually when dialogue is told, the quote and speaker is on the same line. However, Christie separates the quote and the speaker by putting them on independent lines. For instance, on page 208, Christie

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