Summary And Symbolism In The Graduate

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The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate, directed by Mike Nichols and released in 1967, is a drama comedy about growing up, becoming an adult and the internal struggles that comes with that. Ben Braddock, portrayed by Dustin Hoffman, has just graduated from college, but does not know what he wants to do with his life. He gets seduced by the older Mrs. Robinson, portrayed by Anne Bancroft, and falls in love with her daughter Elaine, portrayed by Katharine Ross. Throughout the film, Nichols uses expressionism and symbolism to show the internal struggle Ben is going through.

Mise-en-scène is a term used to describe the design aspects of a theatre or film production. The term is French and translates to “what is put into the scene”. When we talk about …show more content…

Symbols are used as in communication between people and its premises is that the people using and reading the symbol have the same conventions. This is because what a symbol means is built upon conventions and this may differ within social groups and cultures. Nichols uses water as not only a prop, but more importantly a symbol in The Graduate several times throughout the film. The first time is when Ben is sitting in front of the aquarium at his graduation party (See shot list: shot 1). As mention earlier, the composition of the frame make it look like Ben is submerged in the aquarium. This symbolizes how he is “drowning” in the decisions he has to make; he does not know what he wants. Later at the party there is a scene where he is standing in his room looking down at the pool. (See shot list: shot 6.) This symbolizes how he is just trying to “stay afloat”. Moments later Mrs. Robinson throws the keys in the aquarium in his room, symbolizing and foreshadowing how she will “take him down with him” later. Later, at his birthday party, water plays a big role as well. Ben gets a scuba diver suit from his parents that they make him put on before pushing him into trying it in the pool. The whole shot is a POV shot from Ben’s eyes and we can see him submerge in to the water. At one point he tries to emerge, but his parents push him back under, symbolizing their role in Ben’s life He’s trying to stay afloat, but they are pushing him under. He is trying to find a different path, but they are pushing him to become what he does not

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