Suicide In The Media

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When it comes to covering suicide the media such as news stations and articles have to handle their information well. Media outlets have to cover their information with seriousness. In an article titled “Does The Media Matter to Suicide? Examining the social dynamics surroundings media reporting on suicide-prone community” Anna S. Mueller examines the community of Poplar Grove in North Carolina. In the community of Poplar Grove adolescents are prone to commit suicide. Interesting concepts from this study are the guidelines of reporting. Mueller (2017) states, the news is a reflection of what is happening in society. The town in this study is a community of wealth, and predominantly white. The media covers suicide in a suggestive effect. The …show more content…

When listening to music we resonate with lyrics. In some cases it can lead individuals to see suicide as an option. For instance an article titled “Netflix's 13 Reasons Why” Linked to Suicidal Thoughts” a spike in suicide Internet searches arose. The increase comes from the conclusion of the show when a character commits suicide. What’s interesting about suicide and entertainment is the popularity of certain shows, movies, and songs. Another example is the song 1-800-273-8255 by rapper Logic. The song title is the National Suicide Prevention Line. The song is about prevention and has led to an increase to the calls of the suicide line. In an article titled “Calls To Suicide Prevention Hotlines Increased By 50 Percent After Logic’s VMA Performance Of “1-800-273-8255” (2017). Media can influence suicide in either prevention or attempts, but to what …show more content…

The copycat effect comes into the discussion once again. Stacks (2005) states, celebrity suicide is 5.27 more likely to be imitated. Stack (2005) gives possible factors to stories and suicide. Factors include the coverage from the media, time periods, and the mood of the audience. When it comes to music individuals might feel an influence as well. In an article titled “A Study of Association between music preference and risk factors of suicide” Benedikt Till, Ulrich S. Tran, Martin Voracek, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (2015) musical preference is in question when it comes to suicide. Till, Tran, and Niederkrotenthaler (2015) view factors such as musical preferences, tone of music, and lyrical content. They also mention the high and low psychoticism. Low psychoticism is associated with happy music such as pop and upbeat music. High psychoticism can be associated with sad music. When it comes to preference individuals might enjoy crude, aggressive, or explicit content. In tone of music can be associated with aggressive music such as rock or rap

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