The Perspective On Success: The Definition Of Success

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In today’s world, success is a word that is defined differently in everyone’s dictionary. Some people perceive success to depend on how much money an individual makes, person’s status in the society, and how well they can flaunt; but I think, success depends on the inner drives that satisfy own desire, the value of an experience than a product, and one’s ability to be self-gratified. In this era, success is defined based on how much money a person makes. Society thinks that if a person makes lots of money, he or she must be a successful person. Also, individuals who are given high status in the society appear to live a very successful life; the world considers them as role models. Similarly, those who flaunt their wealth create the impression …show more content…

People often conclude that if a person makes more money he or she must have thrived in their life, while a person who makes less money must have failed in their life. I think what the society often overlooks are the external factors that might have resulted in a person’s ability to earn money. In the short story by Don Peck, the author takes into consideration the effects of the recession on the earning abilities of recent graduates. The author states that “…the unluckiest graduates of the decade, who emerged into the teeth of the 1981-82 recession, made roughly 25 percent less in their first year….” This wage difference results in a permanent earning gap between graduates who enter the job market during the prosperous time and the recession. I think this occurs because employers who hire after the recession reason that, if one graduate made less money compared to another, he or she must lack skills and deems him or her as an inexperienced person. Such a process results in the unlucky graduate to get the less paying job and other graduates to get higher paying work; such a difference in the money making abilities enables society to categorize people as either successful or unsuccessful. The graduates who make less money are thought of as unsuccessful individuals and the graduates who make more money are understood as

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