Story Of An Hour Women

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Many women around the world play the role as obedient wives or they make up for the men. The men are seen as those who have the right away and are more needed than women. In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, Mrs. Mallard did not have a mutual love relationship with her husband, it was more of a social acceptance than actual love. Her marriage is not an arranged marriage but society has put her up to marrying one that she does not necessarily have a loving relationship with but if she did not marry, she would be looked down upon. “Once Aboard the Lugger” by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch is about a woman named Nance that had to fill in a man’s spot and take upon the desire to get married. Both Mrs. Mallard and Nance followed the patterns of …show more content…

Mrs. Mallard does not like this type of relationship but stays. One day Mr. Mallard is said to be dead to his wife by her sister and his friend. Mrs. Mallard does not act the typical, sad and weeping as she cries, but instead she cries excitedly because she is so happy that she has finally found her freedom from her despiteful marriage. The thought of doing things herself, making her own decisions, and have no responsibilities make her feel happy even though it feels surreal. “She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression.” At this time, Mrs. Mallard had disbelief that her time to freedom has come. She was so surprised that she was emotionless of it all. There is a huge sock that eventually kills Mrs. Mallard that they tried to prevent at the beginning of the story which is that Mr. Mallard is indeed, still alive. She is not free and she dies from the shock and unhappiness she will continue to be. She died from the despair of her husband still being alive which caused her to have a heart attack. In the late 1800s, women were still looked down as belongings to the men. Mrs. Mallard played the role of belonging to her husband. “There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself.” Her husband made all of her decisions for her and she did not like it but did not have a word in this type of relationship. Mr. Mallard was …show more content…

In “Once Aboard the Lugger”, Nance is a daughter who had to make up the absence of having a brother ever since she was a child. She knew a lot more, things that men normally did know, than other women did at this time. She used this as an advantage when into reaction with Samuel Boax. Women were supposed to be waited as the men came to marry but Nance saw her opportunity and took it because of how she was raised. Her father raised her like she was his son, so she did things based on her up comings. “Her head was bare and her sleeves turned up to the elbows” Most women, during this time, stayed covered up but she on the other hand was different and showed some skin because of how her father brought her up. She wanted to let him to know that she was different from the other women and that is what made her so special during this time. She did multiple things to show her knowledge of the things her dad taught her. Nance asked him if he knew how to sail a boat and he did not but she did. Also, she reversed the roles of courtship by offering her hand to him as he gets upon the boat and he does not know how to sail a boat. Nance followed the patterns of women being knowledgeable but also independent which is not likely in this time period. “I’ll-let you off, if you want to be let off.” Perhaps, she was returning the power back to Boax because she was feeling guilty or having anxiety about him going to the police on her. In

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