Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Essay

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Kate Chopin tells the story of a woman with a heart condition; feminism is used as a critical approach to analyze the story of an hour; the Story of an Hour tells us about female opression in the nineteenth century. During that time, women were owned by their husband; they had little or no control over their lives. My initial thought was based on the actions and occurences in the story, and I feel that the author was a feminist. I did a little research on Chopin, but it didn't mention her being a feminist. When Chopin wrote the story, feminism was present. The main character in this story is Mrs Millard; a married woman who is trapped within the rules of the male dominated society (Chopin 279). After she heard about her husband death, she suddently becomes aware of the freedom and joy in the future (Chopin 279). As mentioned later in the story, “ a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.” This indicate Mrs Mallard …show more content…

When Mrs Mallard sister, Josephine, tells her that he is dead, “She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment.” (Chopin 278). This clearly state that Mrs Mallard is a caring person, and she loves her husband. Since she grieves for Brently, it shows that she has deep feelings for him. However, Mrs Mallard departs to her room and reflects on the situation; she sets her feelings aside. She said it over and under her breath: “ free, free, free!” She realizes that she does not have to share her life anymore. Mrs. Mallard looks to a future without a husband; this thought actually brought her happiness. She goes back to being emotional since she is exhilarated about her new lifestyle. “Free! Body and soul free!”(Chopin 206). Louise realizes she does not have to wait on her husband for anything. She can think for herself and say what

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