Stereotypes For Students

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Having enthusiastic teachers will improve their student’s grades and work performance. It’s considered to be an essential personality for college students to pick classes that professors are enthusiastic and create a positive atmosphere for their students. By having someone around a student to motivate their schoolwork, there will be a gradual development of the student’s academic work. After all, communication is a key factor between the teacher and the student for their success. Notably, teachers with a sense of humor create a favorable impression showing they aren’t afraid to be comfortable towards students. Enthusiastic teachers spread their contagious energy to their students, which typically causes them to desire to learn to escalate. …show more content…

When students get generalized due to the mistakes of a few students, it presents a bad impression for the other students who did nothing wrong. Although I am taking classes that aren’t directed to my major, I would try to maintain my grades for me to pass the class. If students don’t communicate with other students or have any friends in the class, they are likely to not take interest in the class. Teachers that give out hordes of homework, students will undoubtedly resent the class because it only piles onto their stress. In addition, a teachers appearance takes an extensive factor on the first impression for the students. Although people shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, students are prone to think highly of someone who is good-looking regardless if they are interested in …show more content…

With my experience with a bad teacher was when I took precalculus and everything that was taught in class was through the textbook. Every time a student has asked for help, we were always told to read the textbook or to attend tutoring. Correspondingly, all the students became frustrated and had to teach each other in a study group or come to ask another precalculus teacher to explain. Teachers who constantly tell students that they are wrong, make the student feel stupid and inferior, therefore making the student loath the class or teacher. Additionally, teachers who want it their way, tend to make it difficult for students that don’t understand the

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