Stereotypes And Tactics In The Film Iron Jawed Angels

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The movie Iron Jawed Angels is about a group of women who want to get the right to vote all over North America. The women use many different methods or tactics to get the men to notice them and support their cause, they set up a parade on the day of President Wilson’s Inauguration so that they would get a big crowd. During this parade, none of the men watching thought that it was right for them to be walking the streets trying to get people to change the law, they started to yell insults like “If you were my wife I would bash your head in!” and “Go back home to your mother!”. Soon after that, the men had gotten through the ropes that were holding them back and they started to beat the women which were walking in the parade. The police officers who were on patrol just walked away because before the parade was fully planned one of the girls went to the police station to ask them to patrol the parade and the police chief said that they would patrol the parade, but they wouldn’t help …show more content…

The two girls, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, formed a group of girls to help and the girls made banners and signs to hold in front of the white house gates. They would yell to the people walking by about their cause and hoped for them to listen, but they got something completely different. Once again, the men and people walking by started to beat them hoping that would make them stop trying and just give up. After a while, the President ordered them to be thrown in jail for blocking traffic because he had had enough of them going against the laws. While they were in jail, Alice Paul started a hunger strike because she said that some people would sit on someone's porch until the owner of the house would feed them/give them food. She said that she was doing the same thing except she was trying to get them to support her cause, women’s

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