Stephen Vail Making A Rape Case

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In this movie Making a Murder there is a man named Stephen Avery who was wonderfully convicted of a crime. Stephen Avery lived in a small town and he already had the sheriffs in the town already had it out for Stephen Avery due to previous less serious crimes in committed when he was younger. Stephen has previously got into in encounter with his cousin who happened to be the sheriff’s wife. There was a crime committed in Stephen’s town and the victim happened to be Stephen’s cousin’s friends. Right from the start the sheriff was after Stephen and went and arrested him. The defended it this case is Stephen Avery. Steven was on trial for a case that he didn’t not commit and he was not going down without a fight nor was he going to admit to something he did not commit. There was not much evidence collected against Stephen. Honestly the only evidence they had against him was his previous crimes which were crimes that were misdemeanors. This crime that was committed against Penny who is the victim was a serious sexual assault something that Stephen has never once committed. They did however have the victim pick Stephen out of a line up, and the victims description …show more content…

The sheriff also told one detective who said that he was told by 3 women that Stephen Avery was the wrong guy not to worry about it they already had their guy. The sheriff’s department also failed to see that Stephen could not have committed this crime. They had prof that the day of the crime and the time it took place that Stephen was out with his family helping lay concrete and the drove 30 minutes away with his wife so there was no way he would be able to have committed this

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