Stealing of a Watch

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“I told you we were supposed to turn left at the fork! But no, you just had to be right, didn’t you?” Mech sighed, looking around the tattered and seemingly old village for any source of a map.

The one time he had believed Hide with directions and he had been wrong.

The brown ferret simply sat upon Mech’s shoulder, seemingly grinning while gazing out before a response would fill Mech’s head.

_“Don’t be silly! We’ll find our way.”_

“Sure. Sure,” His bright, emerald, green eyes rolled off to the side. “And if we don’t?”

_“Then we ask.”_

“It sounds simple. But, will it be simple?” Mech moved his head to look at Hide the best he could. “It is never that simple and you know it, Hide. Don’t fool around with me.” Another gaze around. “What if we ask someone? I think asking may be better in this case.”

_“Do what you want. It’s obvious you won’t be trusting me with decisions for a while.”_ Hide almost seemed to chuckle afterwards. Though, it could have been a cough. Either or, it didn't matter to Mech.

“Not until you learn your way around these labyrinths they call Kingdoms,” Mech commented, a grin starting to form from the corner of his lips. “Now, we just need to find someone who looks like they know where they’re going. Or maybe even someone that doesn’t. I suppose most people here would know. Don’t you think?” He looked back to Hide, the tips of his medium-brown hair brushing up against the small creature that rested on his shoulder.

“Wait…” Mech paused, beginning to stretch his fingers out. “Something doesn’t feel right.” His eyes looked down to his wrist and instantly widened. “Now… Now that’s impressive!” His smile widened as he then looked around. “Did you see the culprit, Hide? We must find them. I would love to speak wi...

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...ught her hands close to her mouth, letting her hands close. When they opened only a few short seconds later, pink dust covered her palms. She turned to the side, more towards the open area of wood, and blew the dust, letting it scatter wherever it pleased.

Where the clumps of dust landed formed beings.

They grew together until there were finally five of them.

These beings did not have a face, nor hair, nor any human distinctions. They were dark pink creatures that walked, mumbling things to each other.

"What do you think those are?" Mech asked from outside the window. He and Hide had stumbled the direction of the house when they had saw the glows coming from the spaces left in between the logs.

His eyes were towards the bottom of the window, eyes intently watching the figures and Zahra.

"Fascinating... Hide, I believe we've found something important."

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