Staurolite In Greek Mythology

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Staurolite is easy to spot amongst other stones – it has a very distinct, cross like shape, which was created by nature as it developed. It can be red, brown, almost black, or opaque, and sometimes has a white streak in it. It’s comprised of iron, aluminum and silicon: Fe2+2Al9O6(SiO4)4(O,OH)2 . It forms when shale is changed due to the earths high pressure temperature and conditions where it’s found. Speaking of where it’s found . . . one of its most productive places is in Patrick County, Virginia. It’s so prominent there that the state named a state park after it: Fairy Stone State Park (named after the folklore and legends that surround the stone, which I will get to shortly). It is also very abundant in Fannin County, Georgia. …show more content…

Forklore tells this story: On a day very long ago, the fairies were celebrating the arrival of spring in the mountains. They danced and sang, with great happiness in their hearts. Until an elf arrived with very sad news. He told the fae that Christ had been crucified. All joy fled from the fae . . . and they wept in mourning. As they cried, their tears hit the ground, forming the cross-shaped stones. When they left the mountain, the stone remained behind. Early European settlers in the Appalachian Mountains claim that the stones were angel tears that fell to earth when Christ was crucified. Ergo, the stones were called Faith Crosses. The Cherokee legend is that the cross shaped stones were tears of the Cherokee, who wept when forced to leave their land and homes (on the Trail of Tears). Because of its shape, people who lived in the mountains believed staurolite provided protection from witchcraft, disease, and accidents. The Cherokee saw the stone as representing the elements: earth, air, water and fire; it helped restore the balance of life. Like other stones, staurolite has had it’s time with great people in history. It was said that the stone was used in the crusades, and aided Richard the Lionheart to heal. Pocahontas gifted a fairy stone to Captain John Smith, as a token of friendship. Thomas Edison, Charles …show more content…

If you travel when meditating, it helps you choose where it is you wish go, and who you may want to connect with. It’s kind of like having “an inner compass” spiritually – it helps with getting you where you want to be. It can also be placed under your pillow at night to help with having lucid dreams or doing astral projection. Staurolite is a very calming stone (which it would have to be if it assists with grounding I’d assume). Working with the heart chakra, it brings powerful energy for unconditional love for others and the earth itself. It can help you make better use of your time, and aids in resisting bad or icky habits. It is also known to help with finding missing objects. Best of all: staurolite not only benefits the owner of the stone, but those who are close to them as

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