Statue Of Aphrodite Analysis

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Exploring the Torso of Aphrodite
The Roman copy of the Aphrodite of Knidos sculpture, “Torso of Aphrodite,” depicts the torso of the Greek Goddess of love and beauty. Statues of Aphrodite were extremely common in Hellenistic art. The artist, Praxiteles, originally created two sculptures, one where the goddess was in draping clothing, and one where the figure was nude (museum). The nude sculpture was innovative and shocking, it was the first of its kind to be completely nude, a testament to Roman Imperial art. The artist purposely decided to create a nude image to show the anatomy of a woman, and the torso focuses specifically on those features. The choice to leave out the goddesses legs and arms, and especially the head and face are most noticeable …show more content…

The position that the artist sculpted Aphrodite in has several elements worth notice. The most obvious feature in the positioning of the torso would be the relaxed appearance of the body. The shoulders are not tense, and there is a slight slant in the abdominal area. The arced lines and contours on the abdomen and curvature of her right hip, left for the viewer, give a slant and relaxed positioning, which is also an element of the contrapposto position seen in the sculpture. Aphrodite poses in a certain way that brings a shifting motion conveys stability and fluidity, or elegant motion. The thighs are touching and one is slightly in front of the other, creating the potential for crossed legs. Although we cannot see the rest of the legs or arms, the contrapposto is noticeable and creates a relaxed yet seductive pose. The emphasized hip curve could insinuate a seductive or beautiful pose. Another element it provides is equilibrium. The shoulders contrast the hips. The left shoulder being slightly higher up than the right one equates when the right hip comes slightly higher up than the left. The pose seems quite relaxed and simple, yet it is so well thought out and provides a specific reputation for the goddess. This image created depicts grace and beauty. The relaxed, yet curved posing shows the grace of Aphrodite and her exaggerates the admirable essence she has. Slightly timid yet full of grace …show more content…

Aphrodite was highly worshipped and admired Gods as well as the Greek people. The symbolic element of the statue represents the idealized figure of a woman or goddess in third century Greece. The slender figure, with petite yet full breasts, and natural hip curvature is a symbol of beauty. Although it is not realistic for all women to look like, it it used as the ideal or possibly the standard of beauty. Aphrodite being a goddess placed her above humans, yet Greek men and women could still have used this sculpture as a standard for women. The female anatomy represents the importance or role of women as well. The emphasis placed on these features to express a woman’s role in society. As the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite was an icon for these things, which in expressed in artwork of

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