Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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Allan Bloom states, “Education in our times must try to find whatever there is in students that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct the learning that would enable them autonomously to seek that completion.” In Indiana, children go to school an average of seven hours a day and are required to learn different subjects such as, math, science, social studies, and English. Students take the Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Process, or ISTEP test. Students take standardized tests to help schools measure how students do in relation to other students who take the same test; however, there are several reasons why this is not working. Standardized tests should be eliminated because they cause children anxiety and stress, do not accurately measure a student’s abilities, and good teachers are leaving the field because of increased pressure to …show more content…

Many schools are basing raises and performance evaluations on students’ test scores, which is causing many teachers frustration and stress due to the pressure for students to do well. Cox states, “At the front line, teachers are faced with many challenges on a daily basis: huge variation within one classroom. Students can fall all along the spectrum in cognitive, developmental, and psychological abilities. Massive amounts of material need to be taught, including effective use of ever changing technology. Over the years, job security, financial stability and professional worth have begun to hinge on performance. And, with outcomes in every arena difficult to measure, the surrogate metric for judgment of success for teachers and learning institutions has landed on student performance on standardized tests” (Cox, 2015). Teachers are quitting the profession because preparing for standardized tests is becoming the focus in education and eliminating the time to engage students in

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