Stacey In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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My courageous character is stacey.Sometimes characters are faced with danger. Throughout the novel Roll of Thunder hear my cry By mildred taylor stacey got a paddlen because T.J. put cheat notes in his pocket and he got caught. So since T.J. did that stacey got mad and went to the wallace store where he knew he was not supposed to go and when he got there he beat up T.J. for what he has done. That proves that stacey is really courages The first challenge that stacey faced was win T.J. put cheat notes in his pocket and he got caught and since T.J. did that Stacey chased him to the wallace store and then he caught T.J. and beat him up since he got stacy in trouble for something he didn't even do. Stacey is courageous for going down to the

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