Speech On Colored Women's Rights

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I think that the main idea is that colored women should be given the same rights that the colored men were getting. "I want women to have their rights. In the courts women have no right, no voice; nobody speaks for them. I wish woman to have her voice there among the pettifoggers. If it is not a fit place for women, it is unfit for men to be there." Sojourner (Truth) This quote explains exactly the point of view I'm trying to make. Personally, I love how she's not afraid to say what is on her mind. I also love how she knows exactly what she is talking about, as well. The organization of this speech was done very well. I could tell that she put a lot of time and effort into it and it truly shows. ""We are going home. There, children, in heaven we shall rest from all our labors; first do all we have to do here. There I am determined to go, not to stop short of that beautiful place, and I do not mean to stop till I get there, and meet you there, too." In her speech, she uses a lot of the same words over and over. I think it's to put an emphasis on what shes trying to say. The word that she uses the most is "rights." I think her word choice is amazing. I think that the words that she chose couldn't be any better. …show more content…

One purpose is for persuasion. Another purpose is for informing. This quote, "But help us now until we get it." shows persuasive. Sojourner (Truth) This quote, "What we want is a little money. You men know that you get as much again as women when you write, or for what you do. When we get our rights we shall not have to come to you for money, for then we shall have money enough in our own pockets; and may be you will ask us for money." shows informative. Sojourner (Truth) Basically, she doesn't think its fair that the men have the rights, where women don't. I honestly agree with her. If you do for one, you must do for the other. I think she did a wonderful job with her

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