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Speech is the most important invention in the history of mankind; speech is one of the major characters which separate humans from other animal species. Speech helps us to communicate effectively with each other and in the recent past we were able to develop software which enables us to communicate with computers in the same way as we communicate with our fellow beings. Speech recognition is a fast developing technology which is being used everywhere. Speech recognition of voice recognition is the process where the words spoken by the speaker are translated into text format by computer software. Speech recognizing systems can be broadly classified into two types, one is speaker independent systems where the system can recognize speech by any speaker and translate it into text format, and these systems can be used for generic purposes where we have multiple users trying to communicate with the speech recognition system. The second one is speaker dependent system and as the name suggests it’s a system which is specific to a single or a limited set of users. The system is trained to recognize a single or a specific set of users by asking the users to speak specified words to the system, which stores the words and analyses the speakers voice and fine tunes it to recognize the speaker’s voice in a future instance. Speech recognition has a wide range of uses and areas of interest under its spectrum, some of the major areas in which speech recognition is widely used is security, navigation etc. Speech recognition is a like any other software and requires an algorithm as a base to build it into a useful application. Most of the new age speech recognition applications are based on the Hidden Markov models. Algorithms As discussed earlier ... ... middle of paper ... ...fficiency of the training process. Many militaries such are the USAF, US Navy, US Army, Royal Australian Air Force etc. are using the speech recognition technique to train their traffic controllers which are supplied by various vendors. People with disabilities Speech recognition is a boon for many people who have a problem with hearing, the speech recognition applications can help in presenting the conversations in a meeting room, class room or services in a fast and accurate format to the users who are having difficulty in hearing. Usage of key boards to document can also be reduced to a large extent by the use of speech recognition. The days are not far when u can command your microwave to stop, your AC to alter the temperature or ask your washing machine to wash your clothes. Speech recognition is going to play a large and active part in our life in the future.

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