Spectrometer Lab Report

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To begin, the Ocean Optics UV/Vis spectrometer was connected to a laptop using the GoLink!, and then logger pro was opened to record the data. Next, the spectrometer was calibrated using a 1cm acrylic cuvette cleaned with deionized water. The cuvette was then filled with deionized water and placed into the sample chamber of the spectrometer. Experiment_Calibrate_Spectrometer: 1 was selected and then 6o seconds passed while the lamp in the spectrometer warmed up. Once the lamp was fully warm, the calibration was finished. The optically clear sides of the cuvette were not touched since that is where the light shines through. The green apple Gatorade was poured into the cuvette carefully, and the absorbance was measured by the spectrometer. The …show more content…

The concentrations of blue-1 and yellow-5 food dyes were taken from the labels in their stock containers. The equations C1*V1=C3*VVF and C2*V2=C4*Vvf were used to determine the volumes needed for the final solution and Vvf-V1-V2= the amount of deionized water needed. Two burets were cleaned with deionized water and then filled with each food dye to the maximum measured amount the burets could hold. Then, the burets transferred the amount of each dye needed to the final solution to recreate the concentration found in the green apple Gatorade. Deionized water was added with a clean 5 mL pipet and small pipet till the solution was leveled with the mark. The solution was then mixed well together and transferred into the clean 1 cm cuvette, which was placed into the spectrometer to determine if the solution matched the final concentration. The wavelength and absorbance of the two peaks were recorded and compared to the data recorded from the green apple Gatorade measured previously (λ3 A3 and λ4 A4 with λ1 A1 and λ2 A2). The percent error of the two absorbance values were calculated using the equations, %=A3-A1/A1 and %=A4-A2/A2. The percent’s calculate showed the accuracy of the

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