Spark Notes Vs Pride And Prejudice Essay

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Pride and Prejudice Vs. Sparknotes

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a timeless story of romance and class prejudice. This coming-of-age comedy is expertly narrated and written within the views and standards of the time. Although the Sparknotes version and summary of this beloved novel are fairly accurate, most of the emotion of the story is lost in the transition. Readers are not able to fully grasp the themes and underlying emotions of Pride and Prejudice by soley reading through Sparknotes. By reading the actual dialogue of the characters, becoming involved in the scenes, and feeling the buildup of emotion throughout the book readers are able to get a well rounded theme of the whole book Pride and Prejudice. For example, Sparknotes …show more content…

One scene in particular that Sparknotes, in reality, is very skimpy on is when Mr. Bennet calls to Elizabeth to discuss her refusal to marry Mr. Collins. There is so much emotion in each individual character. Lizzy is in a state of confusion after Mr. Collins’ proposal, Mrs. Bennet is cross with Lizzy because she turned Mr. Collins down, and Mr. Bennet lightens the mood with his humours and somewhat ironic quote: “Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do” (97.15). This scene is full of emotion and drives the reader to turn the page and become involved in the ever-changing story. Contradictory, Sparknotes does little to touch on the weight of this crucial scene that set in motion the following events of the book. This website does little to touch on the emotion and feelings this event plays in the whole of the book. Without the love and understanding of her dear father, Elizabeth's life would have turned out much more dreary and not pleasurable. Lastly, relying solely on Sparknotes does not take the reader on the beautiful journey that Jane Austen has masterfully crafted. With intricate text and eloquent description of scenes and characters, readers of Pride and Prejudice are able to fully understand its themes of love, marriage, and principles. Sparknotes only highlights the most crucial scenes and characters and never

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