Spa Night Sociology

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Spa Night is a movie that tackles many social issues that plague America today. It shines light on the struggle of first generation immigrants, the perception of the “American Dream”, the hardships of people who are apart of multiple minorities, the struggle of sexuality and coming out, and much more. The story is set in Los Angeles. A young boy named David is the son of two immigrant parents. They came to the US from Korea before David was born. As a family they owned and managed a restaurant. One day, while the film does not actually say why, they are forced to close down their family business and find work elsewhere. After this, the mother easily finds a job working as a waitress in their church friend’s restaurant. This is not the case for the father, who struggles greatly finding a job. This also shows what it is like for some families that have the mother as the primary “bread-winner”. It shows how the father struggles with his masculinity and feels inadequate when he is unable to find work as easily. He then turns to drinking, which spirals him down even further. While the family is struggling with financial hardship, the parents attempt to focus on their son’s future. They enroll him in as SAT prep …show more content…

It shows that life for first-generation immigrants is not easy. It is hard. Especially if you are not legal. If you are to find a job, it is very possible that you will be paid less than you are worth. You do not receive benefits. The “American Dream” is something that most people coming into the country strive for. In reality, it is not always as attainable as it is advertised to be. Immigrants are treated much different than anyone that is already a citizen. Supporting oneself, much less a family is near impossible without a steady source of income, and that is something that is not necessarily available to all first-generation

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