South Park Satire

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Since the beginning of humanity, we humans have longed for, and are constantly longing for, enjoyment. It is in our very nature to want what is pleasant and to reject what is harmful. Most humans in the current age find their enjoyment in a discourse called comedy. Comedy is very successful within our world because it's purely made up of things that are funny and enjoyable, while being fairly easy to comprehend. Many television shows, movies, books, and stories incorporate comedy into their content to make it more pleasurable, which ultimately makes it more successful. Also, because things that are comedic, are enjoyable, and things that are enjoyable, are successful, there is a lot of media content completely dedicated to and based on, comedy. One of the most successful tv comedy shows is called South Park. South Park is a critically acclaimed animated sitcom, produced in the U.S. and is purely based on comedy. The first episode of South Park first aired in August of 1997, and new episodes are still being produced and broadcasted today. South Park is highly successful and still on the air because of its satirical approach on cultural, political, and religious …show more content…

South Park is directed towards a mature audience, 17+, however, much of the comedy is very immature, leading most people to think that it is intended more for younger audiences. One of the reasons why this is the case, is because of influential online content reviewing websites. Despite the fact that South Park is rated TV-MA (17+), the Parents Guide on IMDb says that the suggested age for the show is 15+. Not only IMDb, but another well-known organization, Common Sense Media, also suggests that the recommended age for South Park is 15+. From personal experience I can say that people as young as 10 years old watch South Park, and that is also part of the success that the show has

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