Sound Of Thunder Characters

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A Sound of Thunder
Primary Characters
• Eckles : main character/ hunter
• Travis : safari guide /visionary leader
• Butterfly : the cause of change / green, gold ,black and beautiful
Secondary Characters
• Lesperance : Travis’s assistant /name is French Canadian: from French espérance translated to “Hope”
• Billings : A hunter accompanying the safari group
• Kramer : another hunter
• Deutscher : politician / ruthless / militarist/anti-christ/anti-human/ president after the butterfly effect
• Keith : politican / Kind/ caring /peace loving/president before the journey to the past
• History : changes at the end from having Keith as president to Deutscher.
• T-Rex : the dinosaur the group is hunting/not important because it was gonna …show more content…

We learn two significant characteristics; he relies on money to achieve his goals and he is not that bright either
Eckels is the type of person who asks too many questions and keeps pestering Travis. He sought the Time Safari because it was a novelty for him.He knows nothing about paradoxes or the butterfly effect. He has a strong relationship with money.He tries to buy his way out when he violates the rules but realizes that money is not everything because he might have even changed the timeline
Eckels is a round/dynamic character because in the beginning he is very brave and full of himself, he was ready to shoot his T-Rex but as soon as he saw the huge dinosaur, he freaked out and said “we were fools to come”. What was once a joke for him was now the impossible

Travis is a time safari guide .He takes Eckels on his trip to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Time Machine. He describes how dangerous it is to shoot a dinosaur to Eckels, who accuses Travis of attempting to frighten him. Travis replies that he is doing so in an attempt to prevent anyone from going who will disrupt the order of things or cost people their

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