Sorry Wrong Number In Lucille Fletcher's Sorry Wrong Name

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Everyone dials the wrong number at least one. But in the story “ sorry wrong number” by Lucille Fletcher one wrong number leads to a shocking and twisted end. The story takes place late one evening in New York. Mrs. Stevenson, the main character, is a frantic, demanding and an angry person that just happens to dial the wrong number. Mrs. Stevenson is angry at the start. After listening to the phone call, Mrs. Stevenson was desperate to recall the number. As she called operator 1, she gets angry, yelling at the operator “ you didn’t try to get that wrong number at all. All I asked explicitly and all you did was dial correctly”(114). With her being angry she is snapping at the operator while trying to find the men on the phone. Her anger ties into her demanding trate in the book.The first part of the note “ “ you didn’t try to get that wrong number at all”(114) is her getting frustrated followed by “ All I asked for explicitly and all you did was dial correctly”(114) shows how angry she got at the fact that she dialed the number correctly but still got the wrong number demanding her to redial it. …show more content…

Stevenson and that would be her demanding nature. Half-way through the script, Mrs. Stevenson is on the phone with officer Duffy talking about the murder she heard in the phone call. She has led multiple times at the operator and Officer Duffy. In the story she became highly demanding when talking to Officer Duffy saying” Can you trace it for me? Can you trace down those men?” (115) She is “Highly- Strung demanding” telling the officer to try and trace the call. This leading Officer Duffy to become more Irritated and frustrated at Mrs.

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