Solving the Foreclosure Crisis with Community Serving

969 Words2 Pages

In a perfect situation the American people would all have the career they want and maintain the expense of the house hold they live in. Due to the economy drop and job losses Americans cannot afford the homes they live in. To help the foreclosure crisis I came up with the idea of community service of the people who are losing their homes. My plan not only will help the foreclosing it will create jobs. Community service will instill a new idea to the Americans who are willing to do what they have to in order to save their homes. People want to stay in the homes they have already partially paid for and have begun raising their family or started to design to their likings. Not foreclosing and allowing a community service would be the most ideal for someone in this position. Banks who participate would receive tax reductions for allowing the community service. The Internal Revenue Service will sort the taxes, and the president and congress make rules and regulations. All together these four groups will work together in harmony.

Helping out the plant earth’s well being by doing community service and getting relief from it would be the way I would like to see the people save their homes. This would show that people are motivated to keep their homes, and not just trying to live coast free. The participants who help would make America less polluted, happier, and a safer country. The people who have physical disabilities could do thing like visit the elderly, and read to young school kids. Physically capable people have a variety of thing s available to do. Americans would also feel proud of what they have done for the community which they live in. Parents would also be creating a positive thought in children’s mind about pollution and ...

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...their part by participating in making the United States of America a cleaner, healthier place to live. Banks do their part by organizing the different groups, possibly hiring people and getting the tax deduction. This is important to the banks because they do not want to lose out on cash. The Internal Revenue Service does their part by doing the taxes. The president Barack Obama and congress do their part by making the rules and regulations. Community service is the absolute perfect answer to the foreclosure crisis. Not only cleaner earth and healthier Americans but new jobs as well. Some Americans will not want to participate in community service can make their payments and find a solution that works best personally for them. My answer to the crisis will bring smiles across the fifty states. This is so ideal that it will work with good organization and leadership.

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