Solving the Foreclosure Crisis Caused by American Materialism

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Approximately 14% of homeowners are either behind in their house payments or are currently in foreclosure. The foreclosure crisis was not created by one issue but a combination of issues. It will take more than one idea to bring the crisis to an end and stabilize the housing market. Both individuals and financial institutions are responsible for the current mess. Individuals borrowed more than they could afford but they were allowed, and sometimes encouraged, to do this by the financial institutions. Part of the issue is individuals no longer see the value in saving, delaying gratification and acting responsibility. Our American materialism has gotten the better of us.

This does not dismiss the responsibility of the financial institutions. In the eyes of the buyer, the financial institutions would never allow the borrower to borrow beyond their means, right? Wrong. In pursuit of increased profits based on the additional interest from an overinflated loan, the qualifications began to lax and deals were made to ensure financing. Previously, banks did not allow mortgages greater than 100% of the value of a house. In addition, mortgages were traded like playing cards, continuing to inflate the value of property. With the expectation the market would continue to grow, financial institutions allowed mortgages over the value of a property. This entire situation has led to an increase in foreclosures but a necessary decrease in property value.

The financial institutions were bailed out by taxpayers but the financial institutions in turn have not had the same compassion for homeowners. The same banks that approved excessive mortgages are foreclosing on individuals who are unable to pay their mortgage. The overall economic situation ha...

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... all true in theory, theories don’t help when there is an immediate crisis which affects real people. We could do nothing, sit back and wait for the equilibrium but I don’t think this takes into account the periphery aspects of society which are affected. The government can either help keep people in their homes or they can help them via welfare and subsidized housing. By taking steps to assist in obtaining equilibrium, we can prevent an even farther downward spiral.

There is no one formula which will fix this situation. There is not a “one size fits all” approach which will work. The banks will need to tailor their response to the needs of the individual homeowner based on the options provided in this essay. By working cooperatively and viewing the larger issue, it is possible to stop the market freefall, encourage homeownership and stimulate local economies.

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