Solutions To College Debt

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“The current balance of federal student loans nationwide is $902 billion, with an additional $140 billion or so in private student loans” (p 5). College debt is becoming a well known concept due to everyone graduating college with student loans. The problem of college debt has many solutions, but applying for scholarships is better than them all. College debt is a big deal nowadays as college tuition rapidly increases. “About two-thirds of bachelor’s degree recipients borrow money to attend college” (p 4). College students must borrow money in order to attend college because of the cost of tuition, books, transportation, etc. Students go to college so they could earn a better paying career and a degree. Student are borrowing money to …show more content…

The first one would be to apply for scholarships. There are no limit about how many scholarships a person could earn. Lorraine SantaLucia, a student at Virginia Commonwealth University stated “I would apply for 10 to 20 scholarships at a time” (p 11). Students have an unlimited amount of scholarships to apply for. There are so many different types of scholarships ranging from prices as $500 and $5000. Even though it's time consuming, it saves tons of money. Another solution would be to get a job while you're in college and start paying off your debt. In the Journal of Student Financial Aid shows results as “college students who were employed actually had a slightly higher average GPA (2.72) that those who weren’t working (2.69)” (p 13). Once students start working and becoming more dependent upon themselves to get rid of their debt they will start to work harder in school. Students become more work efficient as well and start to learn how to save and manage their money. Although students won’t have much free time to themselves or be tired a lot, they start to adapt to their situation. Last solution would be to attend a community college. Community colleges are much more affordable than going to a out of state university. In the document Paying for College with Loans, Scholarships, or Looting Your Parents’ Retirement states “Skipping out on the first choice college and attending a state school or a community college” (p 14). Students can even go to a in state university to save themselves for debt. Community Colleges might not have the same programs or education as an out of state university, but it's a great start on your secondary

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