Soldier's Home Sparknotes

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“Soldier’s Home” The story, “Soldier’s Home,” is an appropriately titled story, that explains the trials and tribulations of a soldier that had been to war and is now returning home. Throughout the story, the main character, Harold, is struggling significantly to re-adapt his lifestyle from what he was before leaving for the war, and what he is as he returns from the war. Harold repeatedly compares the lifestyle of people in his society, in America, to the lifestyles of people in Germany and France. The complications that Harold struggles with every day, are the same struggles that soldiers returning from the war still face today. There are soldiers returning home from the war every day, much like Harold, that are expected, by society, …show more content…

It is shown whenever Harold’s mother asks him if he loves her. Cold heartedly, Harold replies no and that he cannot love anything anymore. Once seeing that it had broken his mother’s heart, Harold lies to her and says he does love her he was just aggravated at something else and had taken it out on her. Harold’s mother also asks Harold to pray, in which Harold replied that he could not pray and wanted his mother to pray for him. It is clear during the entirety of the story that Harold is struggling with …show more content…

Harold felt as certain sense of solidarity, anger, and languishment once he returned home from the war. Harold became irritated, and somewhat belligerent, when he conversed with his mother. Harold felt the need to lie to everyone in his hometown about what the war was really like. While Harold enjoyed watching the women walk down the street in his hometown, he continuously reminisced on the women that had been in Germany, and how being in the military had taught him how he did not need to be with a woman. All of these actions, by Harold, are a significant indication that Harold was actually suffering from post-traumatic stress

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