Sociological Issues in My Life

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Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior. Each human in our world today is socialized differently yet can still be found sharing similar characteristics and similar issues in their lives. I find that I am most concerned with three major sociological issues in my life. The interaction between my family and I, the relationships I have built with my friends, and my financial status would all be examples of the sociological issues in my life. The interaction between my family and I is the most important issue I have. Around the world, the first group to have a major impact on humans is the family, and mine has definitely had a positive impact on me. My family has helped me to become successful in life, with school, and with work. I am very appreciative for the way my parents have raised me and I only want the same for my family in the future. Also, I am very fortunate for each and every family member I have today. Family is an issue in my life because I always want to remain close with them. My family members are the ones that I always want to have there for me and I want never want the relationships we have with one another to change. Along with family, friends are another sociological issue that I have in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the friends that I have made. The relationships my friends and I have formed over the years has made me a better person. I appreciate the support system that I share with them. I only hope that my future will bring new opportunities along with new acquaintances into my life. My friends mean the world to me and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Finally, my financial status is an important sociological issue in my young life. Money plays such a large and vital role in our society today.

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