Society In Brave New World

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The book “Brave New World” by Huxley is talking about another society and how in the future the society would probably become. The world state in Brave New World and our society has many aspects we can compare. Through these aspects, we can find many differences between the world state society and our society but also some similarities. One of these comparisons is drugs, people in the world state are given a drug called soma to make them feel happy. The other comparison is "family" in the world state and in our modern society family playing a big part in the life of people in each society but with different values depending on each society and what they think about it. Also, one of the comparisons is classical conditioning in which …show more content…

Children in World State are made in tubes and injected differently depending on what class they are in either Alpha, beta or gamma. After that they are sleep taught only about the thing they should know, and what Bernard said “Two hundred repetitions, twice a week from fourteen to sixteen and a half,” which explain the method of sleep taught and how many times it was done. For example the idea that everybody belongs to everybody else. They are taught to be happy for what they are and what are they suppose to do which mean people in world state can’t choose the way they want to live their life but they are made to live a certain life and they should adjust to it. As the director mentioned in chapter two “All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny,” In what he explains how conditioning is teaching people to do what they are destined to do. Conditioning in World State in also used for consumption and this shows a similarity in both the society. By using positive feeling and showing the product positive sides, the advertisers are using classical conditioning to seduce people. As Huxley mentioned in his interview “In Europe, conscripts used to be playfully referred to as "cannon fodder."” He is saying how commercials are trying to seduce children and adults without even feeling it. Even Though …show more content…

Some of these concepts are drugs, family, and classical conditioning. Drugs in World state played a tremendous part between the people. People in World State takes a drug called “soma” to make them happy and to help them forget that they are depressed. They take soma with no limits and whenever they want and desire. In the other hand, in our society, there are drugs for depression but they can’t be taken without doctor's prescription and approval. Also, there are people who take drugs to make them feel better but it is not very recommended by the state or doctors as it is in World State. We can also find differences and similarity in the concept of family. People in World State does not what family mean nor the feeling associated with it. They think that if a women got pregnant and gave birth she is a “whore.” Getting married and building a family is not one of the things they believe nor think about. Being a father or a mother is not one of the principles in their society. Mustapha Mond said that a family ruins the emotional stability between people. Meanwhile, In our society family plays an important part between people. Even though not all people want to build a family but most of them think about getting married. Most people worries are about how to provide for their families and kids. Being a mother in our society is one of the

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