Social vs. Natural Intellect in William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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In life, I have observed and experienced both social and natural intellect. First off, there are direct examples of both kinds of people in everyday life. My friends that have good intellect, but not social skills often do well. However, when put in a group, which occurs often in life, they struggle. For example, last year I was in a group for a project. In my group was one person that was extremely smart. He was known as the smartest kid in my class. However, in our group, he was the least productive. He was not able to work with the rest of the group. On the other hand, my friends that have great social intellect seem to always be happy. They still do well in school, while being able to work with others at the same time. These people can help lead and motivate a group. This quality goes a lot further in life than just being smart. The most important aspect a socially intelligent person achieves is working well both in, and leading a group. This person has the great ability to motivate others. This will earn socially intelligent people better jobs. Most jobs, like a lawyer or a doctor, require social intelligence. A doctor has to work with other people every day. Without social intelligence and the ability to talk to his patients, he will not succeed. A very smart person without these qualities will have trouble being successful at the job. Next, I have seen examples of socially intelligent people doing better than naturally smart people on TV. For example, on the show Apprentice, there was a competition between “book smart” and “street smart” people. They were competing for a job to work for Donald Trump. As the show progressed, the street smart people continued to do better. This is directly related to their ability to work together and motivate each other. Specifically, the street smart people worked much better together. Together, they were able to come up with great ideas. On the other hand, the book smart people did not come up with as many good ideas because they did not work well together. The Apprentice show is just another example of socially intelligent people doing better than naturally smart people in every day life. Finally, I think there is one quality, more than any other, which makes socially smart people more successful and happy than the just intelligent people.

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