Social conflict theory

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Social conflict theory is a perspective that predicts that when social constraints on antisocial behavior are weakened. In other words social conflict theory is when a group of individuals have most of the power and will try to exploit the law to there fullest before they follow them, leaving the smaller group to obey the law as much as they can. At the same time social conflict theory asks why people follow rules instead of breaking them. Some different perspectives in social conflict theory are the consensus perspective, the pluralist perspective, and the conflict perspective. There are also other theories that support the social conflict theory such as radical criminology, peacemaking criminology, and the left realist criminology, that all prove conflict will happen in order for change to happen.
The consensus perspective is defined as a perspective that most members of society know what is right and wrong and work toward a shared vision of the greeter good. The members that follow the consensus perspective know that laws are placed to help people and were made to represent everyone the same, regardless of race and wealth. When it came to the documentary on the weather underground, the organization believed people weren’t being treated equally and took maters in there own hand. Some of the members bombed a government building for a killing of a prison inmate. The weather underground didn’t believe the laws were created equally for every person, since they didn’t believe in the consensus perspective they took matters in there own hand to change the laws.
The pluralist perspective is defined as a perspective gives people the right to join groups they believe in to help influence the Goverment decisions. In the United States the...

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... the social problems. The problem with the peacemaking is that it wont always work, one group may feel they have to much power to listen to what the other groups want to see change but at the same time history has proven that a peaceful demonstration can work just as well as a violent one and in some cases even better.
The left realist criminology states that crime is higher in lower class areas then the upper class due to the way money is put into the areas. People in the lower class feel as if there is nothing left for them and will turn to crime to help sustain their life. The government would not put as much resources as needed to help lower crime since that are is over filled with crime. The areas with the lease amount of crime get all the attention to prevent any future crime form happing but will put as much resources into the other area that truly need it.

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