Social Security Reform

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Social Security has played a major role in supporting the elderly as well as sick and disabled financially for many years. However, we do not know how long this will last their are many problems facing social security and the funding of it with the population continuing to grow more and more people are taking advantage of social security. The main problem is people who do not really need the help and free income of social security abusing it making the government actually spend more than they actually putting into the social security fund. In this paper I will not only discuss the problems surrounding social security but also solutions in which could not only help better social security but also make it available for generations to come. Social Security first came about in August 14, 1935 signed by President Franklin Roosevelt it was designed to put money into a fund so that elderly people who have been productive citizens could have a form of income to survive and not have to work their entire life or rely on someone to provide for them. Although this was good at first and did not ...

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