Social Media Gathing Society

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In today's society, everyone has some way to connect online, but is this slowly starting to take over our life? With the ability to connect online like never before, it has become easier to occupy our minds without the use of everyday things like board games and face to face conversation. With today's generations, people have become to dependent on gathing their news from social media, talking to friends and loved ones with message apps or through texting, and to occupy their minds with online and offline gaming. With social media becoming such a hit in the past years, everyone has some way to tell everyone about their lives, well the positive parts and better parts of their lives anyway. The majority of people have at least one social media account, wether its facebook, instagram, tumblr, or twitter. With these accounts, everyone can voice their opinion, share the story of their lives, show pictures of where they have been or what they have seen, and read and see about everyone else's lives. Along with the rise of these social media accounts, there has been numerous ways to message people that come along with these accounts. …show more content…

All you do is type your message and send it, even if the message is hurtful. With the rise of texting and messaging it has become easier to talk to people from around the world, instead of just in your neighborhood. More people in the recent generations choose to text or message someone instead of calling, unless it is for something important. Even some jobs and university have started to text and message instead of call for most cases. There are even chatting apps made just for gamers so that they can talk to their friends while they both play the same

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