Social Critique Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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The work that I believe argues a social critique throughout her work, which could be seen as supporting is Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s work The Yellow Wallpaper. I want to start off by saying that I truly enjoyed reading this story! It was unlike any other story that I’ve had a chance to read. The narrators tone made me feel the emotions that she was feeling! I’m surprised such a simple concept within a story could become so complex. This particular story had strong aspects throughout it regarding feminist theory. This story was written in a time where woman didn’t have any say in any aspect of their lives. The husband was deemed to always “know best” and the woman was supposed to always follow her husbands orders, with no questions asked. The narrator clearly was not happy having to play the social norms of a married woman. She was suffering from postpartum depression after having her newborn baby, and the situation of her being controlled …show more content…

Making somebody isolate themselves and not being allowed to do simple life joys such as reading and writing would not fix anybody’s conditions. John, being the doctor that he was, only made her worse. She continuously made statements opposing others thoughts such as, “Personally, I disagree with their ideas.” ( Gilman, Charlotte Perkins). He tried controlling her ever move, and tried making her “sleep off” her problems, shown in this quote, “I lie down ever so much now. John says it is good for me, and to sleep all I can. Indeed he started the habit by making me lie down for an hour after each meal. It is a very bad habit I am convinced, for you see I don't sleep.”( Gilman, Charlotte Perkins) Lack of sleep, she became so madly obsessed with the room she was forced to stay in. The patterns of the wallpaper, the color, and even the smell of this yellow wallpaper made her lose her

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