Sinister Film Analysis

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It was a normal friday, my brother and I were dropped of at the mosque by my mother. We were supposed to meet the other YM members. YM is a muslim youth group from ages 13-25. We were supposed to meet up at the mosque at about seven thirty and pray. After prayer we would talk about a religious topic and then go to Bilal’s house to watch a movie. My brother and I were bored so we played basketball on the hoop that the mosque has. Then two more children came a boy my age and then a boy that is about sixteen. We just shot some hoops until someone would come. The about half an hour later a car rolled in and there was Ahmed and Meon. My brother and I hopped in the car with the other to boy that were with us and were drove to Bilal’s house. We …show more content…

He is in a slump, he has not had a best selling book in more than ten years and is becoming increasingly desperate for a hit. When he finds out there is a home for rent were a family was murdered, he moves there and plans on writing about what happened there. Then he discovers the existence of a film showing the deaths of a family. The first family was hung on a tree, the second family were burned alive, the third family was drowned. The fourth family was ran over by a lawn mower. The fifth family had their throat slit and the Oswald family was murdered by an axe. He vows to solve the mystery. He moves his own family into the victim's house and gets to work. However, when old film footage and other clues hint at the presence of a supernatural force, Ellison learns that living in the house may be fatal. When ever he tries to get rid of the films they keep coming back. He tries to find connections to the murders and when he pauses he finds weird symbols in all the videos. He also notices a mysterious figure. He asks a professional for help the professional tells him that it’s an ancient demon that possesses children usually the youngest child. Then he tells the policeman which is a fan of his to look into all the cases. As the policeman looks into it he realizes that when one family died in a house, and then another would move in and weird and strange things would happen to them. Then they would leave and they will get killed in the house they move to and the cycle repeats. Ellison and his family would experience weird things and then they moved. As Ellison was told this information he was in his new house and then his youngest child murdered the family at night with an

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