Singer Solution To World Poverty

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Poverty is a problem that has been facing the world for a long time. There are entire continents, such as Africa, where third-world countries are in the majority and starvation and sickness run rampant. For years, we’ve seen the commercials with small, skeletal children huddling on the ground as the voiceover pleads with us to donate money and help a child. Sure, many of us donate to charity, but poverty is still extremely high. So what can be done?
There are a variety of different answers to that question. Some people believe that “God helps those who help themselves.” They only want to concentrate on their own welfare. Others want to donate money to the cause, maybe just a small portion of their income, to pay for meals and medical supplies for a child overseas. Some think we should donate all of our money except what is needed for the basic necessities of life. Peter Singer, a bioethics professor, wrote an article on this solution, something he calls “The Singer Solution to World Poverty.” Each answer to poverty can range from extreme to moderate. In my opinion, I think we should avoid the two extremes and all donate moderate amounts of money as we wish. If people don’t want to donate, I say we don’t force them. Every human being has the right to do what they please with their private property, …show more content…

Furthermore, if we begin this plan, it will never end. If all we’re doing is giving these poverty-ridden people enough money for necessities, they are not self-sufficient. We will donate to their kids, and their kids’ kids, and so on. The cycle will never end because people in poverty won’t be trying to get jobs; they’ll be waiting for their free handout. If we only donate the amount of money we want as an individual, people in poverty can’t depend on it and have to become self-sufficient. To end poverty we need to increase self-sufficiency rather than

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