Similarities Between The Salem Witch Trials And The Crucible

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It is often said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Some people believe that it is simply the elders being too cautious and laugh it off while others take the message seriously. I am part of the latter group. I believe that history is a story we can learn much from and that its lessons apply both to every day life and monumental decisions. History also supports my theory with three stellar examples : Hitler 's crushing defeat in Russia, McCarthyism in the 1950 's, and Tzar Nicholas II 's downfall. Perhaps the most famous example of history repeating itself is Hitler 's disastrous campaign in Russia. This event closely mirrored Napoleon 's failure on the same Eastern front in many ways. The most obvious is the This is largely because of the play written by Arthur Miller, “The Crucible”. Despite the origins of the comparison, it still holds true. Both events were started by people who were extremely well respected by their peers accusing others of a hard-to-prove crime. Abigail Williams led the crusade against witches in the Salem Witch Trials while republican senator Joseph McCarthy preached the evils of communism and homosexuality. Even though the events occurred centuries apart, the mass-hysteria and fear aroused in the general populace was equally frightening in both events. Abigail thoroughly had the small town of Salem wrapped around her finger as she and her friends accused those they did not like, mainly women, of being witches and afflicting horrible spells upon them. McCarthy also had the support of his national audience as he condemned communists and rounded up those he suspected of being communists or gay, mainly famous people, liberals or those working in government positions. During the peak of their reigns of terror, they even had their peers accusing each other. This led to at least 19 deaths in the case of the Salem Witch Trials and thousands of ruined reputations, lost jobs and unwarranted jail time for McCarthy 's Red Scare. Abigail and McCarthy started their respective hunts as self-serving endeavors in order to further their own ambitions and selfish desires. Louis and Nicholas both has the misfortune of beginning their reign in the wake of predecessors who left their nations in a less than ideal state and with high tensions. When their respective leaders ascended the throne, France and Russia were powder kegs waiting to explode. France had large debts from Louis XV 's failed wars, irresponsible spending, and unfair taxes. Also, the monarchy itself was weakened and more vulnerable to corruption. To top it all off, the peasants were growing restless under the burden of financing the French empire while Louis XV allowed the country to decline into shambles due to both ignoring domestic matters and allowing his favorite mistress, the Madame de Pompadour, to hold too much political influence. Poor Nicholas did not fare any better. Russia was also heavily in debt from several wars, namely the Franco-Prussian War. As in France, taxes were unfair and around 90% of the population was in crushing poverty. Russia itself was still in varying stages of modernization and still severely lagging behind the rest of Europe. To make matters worse, both rulers were completely unprepared to rule their respective nations. Louis XVI was only 19 when he ascended the throne after his grandfather 's death. His educators did him no favors in preparing him for ruling over France, either. They encouraged him to be timid and indecisive. These traits played a large part in

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