Similarities Between The Pardoner's Tale And The Wife Of Bath

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Did you know that many people greed over money? Neither did I, it’s just ridiculous how people act over money. Now , this is worst did you know how men greed over women? You wouldn’t expect that but it actually happens. The Pardoner’s Tale and The Wife of Bath were almost the same but they also had some differences too. These two tales were alike in some ways whether you know it or not. Firstly, they are related because there’s someone who’s trying to find something. For example, in the Pardoner’s tale the three rioters are trying to find “death” while in the Wife of Bath there’s a knight who’s trying to find the answer to the Queen’s question. Secondly, the author of both tales are the same which is Geoffrey Chaucer. Lastly, the time period …show more content…

The first thing that are very noticeable was the setting. In the pardoner's tale there were actually two settings. The story didn’t end up where it started from. The first setting was in a tavern then ended up being in Flanders, in Belgium. The Wife of Bath setting was different places because it was a part of a frame story. Wife of Bath prologue takes place on the pilgrimage between London and Canterbury. Secondly, the themes were different in both tales. In the pardoner’s tale the theme of Mortality; however, to enlarge on the theme “greed is the root of all evil”. While the Wife of Bath had a theme of Power. It is power because he deprived a maiden of power over her own body, then for his punishment the Queen decided to let him get away with answering her question, “What does a women most desire?”, which turned out to be power. Lastly, The morals were two different things, In the Pardoner’s Tale they often talk about money being the roots of all evil or being dishonest. However, in The Wife of Bath it was totally different because this tale had two morals. The morals in this tale was how women desire dominance over men and granting women dominance over men is in the best interest of men. That’s basically how these tales were different in certain

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