Similarities Between The Kite Runner And Forgiving Our Fathers

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A fatherly attribute is one of the most important positions of a child’s life. The novel and poem show the strained relationship of a father and a child. This novel corresponds to the poem “forgiving our fathers” by Dick Lourie, because of the absences of both their mothers and traits of a poorly influenced father; irrational, critical, and deceitful. It shows the complications of the child's and father’s relationship, but when they forgive their fathers, what do they have left? The fathers portrayed in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and “forgiving our fathers” by Dick Lourie demonstrates the characteristics that influence their children, therefore, resulting their mentality.
Abandoning your child leads to nothing but a physical and emotional …show more content…

Their absences may seem to have no effect on their child, but it suffices, because mothers are the emotional mainstay of a family. They provide support, sympathy, and protection over their child for additional endorsement. We don't see Amir's mother, Sofia, appear much in the novel, however, she is one of the main reasons why Baba and Amir have such a despairing relationship. Sofia died while giving birth to Amir, and it is understandable why he feels the scarcity in his life. He feels responsible for his mother's death, and this holds Amir and Baba’s relationship from obtaining devotion. As to Hassan, his mother ran off with a group of singers and dancers. Considering that Amir and Hassan did not have a motherly figure comforting them, they relied on each other as a substitution for their mother’s absences. The poem does not reveal or mention any motherly figure as well. Having only one parent is extremely difficult for both the father and child, and this is why gender roles are important in one's life. Fathers can be the substitute for their mothers, but it will still be unbalanced, because mothers and fathers have contradictory ways of raising their child, and that won’t make a significant impact in their child’s life. “for marrying or not marrying our mothers for divorcing or not divorcing our mothers” (lines 15-16). Having only one parent is more strenuous to maintain a better lifestyle for the child, whereas …show more content…

Baba is considered an honest, determined, and astonishing man. He built an orphanage as an act of kindness toward charity, nonetheless, people do not know the reason behind it.”Every other sin is simply a variation of theft, including lying” (pg 18). Baba betrayed Ali for sleeping with Sora, and for getting her pregnant, therefore, committing these sins himself, deceiving Amir. Papa does not have the capability to admit his mistakes out of the guilt and lives a sanctimonious, false life. This is similar to forgiving our fathers, because the father in the poem had also stolen something from the child. “He that stole your money” (line 3). Lying is something almost every individual would do if they are Motivated or desperate by an aspiration to get people from or by doing something. In this situation, the fathers had lie to their children only for the sake of themselves and the environment. There are always two sides to every story, and the fathers here decided to lie because they thought this is what will be the most suitable way to deal with their

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