Similarities Between The Crucible And One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Power emanates and reverberates through every aspect of our lives, the influence and control that an individual has is often an indicator of their rank in life. Three of the more prominent factors that affect your power and influence are: gender, roles and relationships and conflict. These aspects influence your control over others, structural and institutional power exist in the forms of access to educational, economic, political resources and opportunities. These ideas are presented as truths, in the novel The Crucible which was written by Arthur Miller and the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest directed by Milos Forman. Both The Crucible and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest investigates the connection between power and gender. In most societies, access to the structural forms of power are aspects of male privilege. The society of Salem is a very masculine society where the men have the power over the women. Due to this power the males control the high court and the church however during the events of the novel the …show more content…

In the film one flew over the cuckoo’s nest Nurse Retched control over the patients being absolute at the begging of the film and slowly decomposing as McMurphy begins to break it down. As head nurse, Retched is granted a tremendous amount of power over the inmates. She is in control of a majority of what goes on within the institute her powers include recommending those who are in need of electroshock therapy, when patients are released home ,when medication is given, what privileges the inmates are granted and the amount of cigarettes they get. In the novel .The crucible has a very structural and acceptable hierarchy this is why it is such as disturbance when the girls turn this structure into chaos. The church and the court are both run by the men and this gives them the highest

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