Similarities Between Lil Pup And Beowulf

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Beowulf vs. Lil Pump
Could the “Trapper of the century” be your hero? Bet you want to know how the characteristics of Lil Pump, a very alive cartoon character, compare to a ancient hero such as Beowulf. Well cartoons characters are very supernatural when really thought about. Things like comical superpowers and random crazy things that happens to them are just like some of the things that also happen in a hero story.
Anybody could really be considered a hero if they fit the suit they wear. The reason for comparing Lil Pump to a cartoon character is simply because they have similar powers. One power id like address is the power of clout, the more you get the more you can do what you want and people will think its cool and support it. Similar to what Beowulf is always obtaining by fighting monsters, this gets him lots of clout points. He collects the clout points and its gets him fame, doing this will also roll in the money and special privileges. Lil Pump being the “Trapper of the century” and Beowulf, a person who just “by the thought of glory” will shoot for the powers of clout. …show more content…

This power is very important when being this kind of hero. You have the ability to automatically take a win, this was a great a thing for Beowulf to have considering that he fought monster for the sheer clout. Lil Pump also shares this power and shows proof when he can release a song with only one line and it goes platinum. In doing that he proved that his clout level is so high he was beat anybody and get to the top without taking any Losses. Beowulf just throws clout in peoples face when he shows up to a random town and beats their monster and its mother. Not only that the mother herself says “The king you will one day become”, so she already knew what was

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