Similarities Between IEA And ADA

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Before 1975 people with disabilities were either institutionalized or hidden at home. The education system would not allow or accommodate for these people. This was a huge problem that needed a fair resolution. In 1975 that resolution came when congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Under this law all children including children with disabilities were entitled to a free, appropriate public education. This law also entitles all children with disabilities access to the general education curriculum. IDEA serves children and young adults with disabilities between the ages of 3-21 and accommodates them through education system (Mastropieri and Scruggs 2014). After young adults completed their education under the IDEA, a lot of them were having trouble furthering their education or finding a job that would accommodate their disability. Congress noticing that this was a huge problem and signed the Americans with Disability Act into law in 1990. Under this law it was mandated that individuals with disabilities should be provided with “reasonable accommodations” in the workplace and should not be discriminated against (Mastropieri and Scruggs 2014). …show more content…

They are similar because they are both laws that have been written to accommodate people with disabilities. They are also similar that any violations against these laws can be prosecuted in court, IDEA through Due Process and ADA Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1991. The differences in the laws include funding and evaluations and placement procedures. IDEA is funded by combination of local, state and federal funds whereas ADA has no federal funding making it public and private

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