Similarities Between Gilgamesh And The Flood Of Noah

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The theoretical position I chose to write on is Universalist. First, I’m going to how they are similar. The Flood of Gilgamesh and The Flood of Noah both flooded the world as a whole. The epic of Gilgamesh has always been an interesting topic to Christians; ever since it’s discovery in the mid-19th century with its account of the universal flood that parallels to the flood of Noah. My comparison is Universalist because it was worldwide. In my opinion, I believe there was a massive flood that happened in the B.C era, but the story has been passed on from generation to generation and it has cause the story to change through time. The flood of Gilgamesh was written before 2000 B.C. Utnapishtim was the hero their God had chosen. Utnapishtim

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