Similarities Between Gatsby And The Wizard Of Oz

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Jay Gatsby and The Wizard of Oz both are not who they claim to be. They both wanted to look more interesting than they appeared. This is evident in both The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the film The Wizard of Oz. The difference between them is Gatsby didn’t tell the truth about his past, and Oz wanted to be seen as an almighty ruler. Gatsby’s goal was to be united with Daisy once again, and Oz didn’t want anyone to know his true identity. Both men acted like someone they're not. Gatsby wanted to keep his secret about his past, and in order to, he had to make up his past. His previous relationship with Daisy ended because she chose a man with more money when Gatsby went to war. Gatsby wanted to use Nick to get closer with Daisy. “She’s not to know about it. Gatsby doesn’t want her to know. You’re just supposed to invite her to tea” (Fitzgerald 86). Oz used a fake voice and wouldn’t let anyone see the real him. “ Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” (The Wizard of Oz)! Oz wanted to always be seen as The Great Wizard of Oz to others. …show more content…

Gatsby wasn’t always the richest man in the area, so once he lost Daisy because he didn’t have enough money he changed his ways. Tom was a man Daisy chose because Gatsby was poor. “She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me” (Fitzgerald 139). Oz knew he was old but wanted others to fear him as a ruler. Oz thought if people knew the real him they wouldn’t listen. Gatsby truly loved Daisy and he began to tell lies to be reunited with her now that he is rich. “I can’t describe to you how surprised I was to find out I loved her, old sport” (Fitzgerald 160). Oz wasn’t trying to be more powerful for love but for a better

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