Similarities Between Gandhi And King

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Gandhi and King , two important men who fought for a purpose to be heard. Their peaceful protests and fight for equality is one of the reasons we are here today. In the decades that have passed since then. Have you ever wondered if king would be proud where we are at? Is the arguments , the protests , and the speeches worth the killing of their brothers and sisters? The cruelty and the beatings towards these two men and their followers have led to equality now . Gandhi, the first employed non - violent act of civil disobedience that he has been in was as an expatriate lawyer in South Africa ( Gandhi ) . The Britain’s Salt Acts made the citizens forcibly buy the mineral from the British. India was interdicted to accumulate salt or sell it. ( Gandhi ) . Nevertheless after living for two decades in South Africa, where he fought for the civil rights of Indians residing there, Gandhi returned to his native country in 1915 and soon began working for India’s independence. ( The Rise to Fame ). That day Gandhi declared resistance to British Salt Policies to be the unifying theme for his campaign “ The Satyagraha “. Also called the “ Mass Civil Disobedience. “ …show more content…

Racial segregation was a system derived from keeping African Americans in a subservient status by rejecting them equal access to public facilities. ( Martin L. ). Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor , father , husband , and a civil rights activist. King was a Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) president . The March on Washington was worked by Martin and numerous amount of religious groups and civil rights activists. Over 200,000 to 300,000 participants attended the Mach on Washington led by Martin himself. A peaceful political rally that was intended to give and show light on the injustices that African Americans continued to face across the

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