Similarities Between Frankenstein And The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the modern world we rely heavily upon John Locke’s perspective of nurture v.s. nature, swaying towards nature to an extreme. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein comments on the role of nurturing human development are at the forefront of the novel’s arguments. In Frankenstein a young man named Victor Frankenstein devotes his time to creating a human-like monster, however once finished, he realizes his mistake and runs from his creation. Victor and his creation then spend the rest of their lives retaliating against each other for their wrongdoings, committing murder, and getting caught up in other violent crimes. Victor Frankenstein and his creation, the monster, are alike in their nature, yet completely different in their nurtured backgrounds.
The monster and Victor have very different childhoods. Victor has a joyous childhood while the monster is abandoned and left to fend for himself. The monster is neglected in …show more content…

Victor is very obsessive in nature, just as the monster is, a prime example being his attitude towards his sister, Elizabeth. He treats Elizabeth as a treasure, saying, “I… looked upon Elizabeth as mine–mine to protect, love, and cherish.” (Shelley, 21). Showcasing his obsession with his sister, even at a young age, Victor eventually marries Elizabeth–this illustrates the true form of his obsession. Victor also spends two years creating the monster, purely to prove those who did not believe him wrong. Calling himself, “...engaged, heart and soul…” (Shelley, 36) in his work . This obsession affects his relations with his family, as he does not pay any visit to them during this time. “The monster’s obsessiveness is exhibited when he retaliates against Victor for destroying the companion he agreed to make, saying, “I will be with you on your wedding night,” (Shelley 156) and killing Victor’s friend, Henry Clerval (Shelley, 164). This reveals the monster’s obsession with making Victor’s life a living

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