Similarities Between Frankenstein And Prometheus

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Frankenstein is referred to as the “Modern Prometheus” as there is increasingly evident comparison that can be made between the two. To modernize something means to make it in a time frame that is much closer to the present, rather than the original event- Mary Shelley does just this in her novel. In many ways Prometheus and Victor can be compared but some extremely evident comparisons are: allowing for the release of something destructive into society, using Earth itself to create the creator's creations, and defying a superior in the pursuit of knowledge. Frankenstein and Prometheus may have connections as old as history itself, regardless of the time frame, both stories of these individuals can be applied to one another. These creators …show more content…

“How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form?” (Shelly 51). Victor released a creature that looked so unpleasant and hideous into nature with no idea of the consequences that would soon follow. The actions of the creature lead, either directly or indirectly, to the deaths of William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth. By allowing a creature to come to life, the entire fate of humanity depended on Victor to contain the creature's actions and eventually kill him. This relates to Prometheus by the creation of woman on Earth bringing diseases. “the punishment of Prometheus and the foolishness of Pandora in releasing evil and suffering into the world are a version of the Fall and the end of innocence as told in Genesis” (Bible Society 5). Prometheus, after his escape from the infinite torture of the eagle eating his liver, met Pandora, Prometheus’s brother’s bride, and were put on Earth. When Pandora was created, by Zeus in vengeance of being tricked by Prometheus after a dinner where Prometheus gave Zeus bones to eat. Zeus then punished Prometheus by the eagle and brought Pandora to Earth. As a “gift” Zeus gave Pandora a jar that secretly was the key to destruction …show more content…

“With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet” (Shelly 51). Victor absorbed the energy of lightning in order to start the creature’s life- this harness of energy shows that the use of Earth’s materials is yet another allusion to Prometheus. The process of using natural resources is the illustration that Victor was determined to do whatever necessary in order to achieve the satisfaction that he could create life. “In some traditions, Prometheus made the first man from clay, whilst in others, the gods made all creatures on Earth, and Epimetheus and Prometheus were given the task of endowing them with gifts so that they might survive and prosper” (Cartwright). Prometheus creating the first man out of clay relates to Victor as he also used nature in order to complete his creations. The modernization accomplished through the creature being reanimated through the use of lighting and multiple body

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