Similarities Between Dido And Aeneas

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The most important performance I’ve ever been in was my recent performance as Aeneas in “Dido and Aeneas” by Henry Purcell with Lawrence Opera Theatre. Not only that, but it certainly was the most interesting show I’ve ever been in because as well. This production wasn’t performed in the traditional style, but performed being set in an insane asylum. The director was fearful that we wouldn’t be on board with this idea, but when we first heard it we were all excited and willing to work with whatever the director had to throw at us. The director gave us room to do what we wanted in terms of gestures and character choices and made it a productive and welcoming environment. Every individual in the opera was given the task of assigning a specific mental disorder that caused the character to end up in the insane asylum in the first place. I assigned Aeneas as having Schizophrenia, and that the Gods and the spirit were actually just voices in his head. I would listen to simulations of …show more content…

Personally, this performance was an example of how we can use music to express difficult topics to discuss otherwise. Not only this, it influences us as performers to dig into the subject material in order to put on a convincing act for the audience to be enveloped in. An example of this was during “Jove’s commands shall be obeyed…”, when Aeneas has just heard from a spirit that Jove has commanded him to leave Dido, resulting in a fight between Dido and Aeneas. In this production, I had the spirit be more of a voice in my head, and struggling between what he should do or should not do. This was able to express to the audience the pain suffered by someone with a mental illness, and the overall struggle in general. Because of this performance in particular, I have a better understand of how music can be utilized these complex topics and perform them in a way where audiences better understand the ideas

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