Similarities Between Determinism And Free Will

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Although determinism and free will are incompatible, there are some people that argue that determinism and free will are compatible. They claim that even if everything in a determinism world has been decided, it does not means that free will does not exist. Then there are some that that says determinism and free will are compatible because free will entails determinism. They claim that every act that they perform from their free will is going to determine what the state of the world will be in the future. Even though these statements sound possible, it is not true. We can’t argue that free will does not exist just because the world is a determinism one, but we can argue that the free will that people think they have is just an illusion. If the world is a determinism one, that means that your ever action and choice has been forced on to you. …show more content…

We think we have free will because we feel like we have free will. We think that we are the one who are making the choices in our daily life, but we cannot be sure of that. For example, we can think of a person in a determinism world to have destiny. The destiny is given to that person and as that person live out his live, he carries out that destiny. As he does that, he is making choices every day. To him, it will feel like he is the one making the choices out of his free will, but the truth is that he is just following the orders that was given to him in order to reach the destiny. Even if he knows about the destiny, he won’t be able to change it because A will always become B in a determinism world. That why we can argue that free will and determinism is incompatible and we only have an illusion of free will in a determinism

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