Significant Changes in United States Airport Security

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“Before 9/11, there were very few layers of aviation security…” (Pistole, 2011). These are words that the aviation community have experienced firsthand. Aviation security is in a constant state of change simply because of people who are out to bring terror. Regardless if it is because of a religious or personal agenda there has been someone who has attacked an airline that has caused a security change in the aviation industry.
Since the start of people using planes to get around there has been many changes to security because of incidents that has happened. The first fatal hijacking recorded was in 1947, but the first major act against a United States airliner was in 1955. Prior to the 1970s airports in the United States did not have security measures to prevent aircraft hijacking, but as the years passed the security measures has become more stringent. Due to different airliner attacks around the world the United States have set in place different measures based on the attacks that has happened. Based on all these attacks there were three significant ones that had a major change in the United States airport security policies and procedures. These changes happened in December 1972 after a bomb scare and two other hijacking, November 2001 after the attacks steaming from September 11, 2001, and August 2006 after a plot to blow up an airliner headed to the United States was discovered (Transportation Security Administration [TSA], 2012).
Incidents is what makes the government look at the security measures they currently have in place. Many incidents has happened over the years since people began to fly, but only certain ones has provoked the government enough to institute change to the process and procedures of the how t...

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...all personnel and baggage was checked and scanned for anything that is unauthorized.
People get annoyed with all the different security measures that are put into place. Most people know the measures are put in place to protect the safety of the passengers and cargo on the airlines. There are those who would rather not have any of these measures in place to make their lives easier when traveling, but history has shown that without these in place it makes it easier to hijack, bomb, and sabotage an airliner. Although throughout the years these security measures have become more stringent, but all the changes have come because of an incident that has happened. Lately the TSA have to trying to help with the long lines and all the difficulty of the security measures by introducing new security measure that lessen what people have to do to get through the checkpoints.

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